Saturday, February 22, 2014


Phanatons are reclusive and gentle creatures, preferring to be left alone in their forest homes, although they have been known to harry and attack creatures that threaten their homes. They get along with dryads, treants, and elves (especially wood elves), and their only natural enemies are aranea. Phanatons have monkeylike hands with opposable thumbs. Their feet are flexible but not able to handle objects like true hands can. They have prehensile tails which they use to climb and jump.

Phanatons are omnivores, preferring plant matter but eating meat from time to time; they especially like the taste of spiders. They speak their own language, Phanaton (composed of hoots, chatters, and clicks), and Elven, and most have a passable knowledge of Sylvan. Most phanatons encountered away from their homes are warriors. Because they rarely own metal items, phanatons normally use plant-based weapons they can make themselves, such as clubs, quarterstaves, and nets. Given their elevated homes and their natural quietness, they prefer to ambush enemies from above, using hit-and-run tactics, and melting back into the foliage after a few attacks. Phanatons have an empathic awareness in forests.

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