Saturday, February 22, 2014

Monstrous Spider

All monstrous spiders are aggressive predators that use their poisonous bites to subdue or kill prey. Monstrous spiders come in two general types: hunters and web-spinners. Hunters rove about, while web-spinners usually attempt to trap prey. Hunting spiders can spin webs to use as lairs, but cannot use their webs as weapons the way web-spinners can. A monstrous spider has a poisonous bite. The details vary by the spider's size, but all affect the victim's strength.

Both types of monstrous spiders often wait in their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on silk strands and leap onto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support one spider and one creature of the same size. Web-spinners can throw a web several times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a longer range, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the spider. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Web-spinners often create sheets of sticky webbing, with surface area depending on the size of the spider. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. A monstrous spider can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web.

A monstrous spider can detect or pinpoint any creature around it in contact with the ground, or within any range in contact with the spider's webs.

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