Saturday, November 22, 2014


Few creatures of the deep enjoy reputations for cruelty and hatred as extensive as that of the morkoth. The top half of a morkoth resembles a deep-sea fish with bulging eyes, protruding teeth and a saillike fin along its back. Its lower body resembles that of an octopus in that it has eight tentacles, but the creature also sports limbs like the legs of a crustacean. Occasionally a morkoth has a squid-like beak instead of a mouth, but the typical version just has a maw like that of a fish. A morkoth lives a solitary existence, spending most of its days inside a maze of tunnels constructed of rock or coral at the bottom of the sea. The outer part of a morkoth's lair usually consists of six tunnels, all spiraling outward, crisscrossing and interconnecting with one another all in a bewildering pattern. The creature's actual home is at the center of this maze. A morkoth uses a variety of lures to draw prey into its clutches. It may dangle treasure as a prize, but its hypnosis ability is the most powerful lure at its disposal. Once in a morkoth's clutches, a victim doesn't usually survive for long, since these creatures are interested in capturing only food, not slaves or captives. A morkoth has little interest in treasure except as lure for prospective victims.

A morkoth's bite is its only offensive weapon. Normally it uses its hypnosis ability to lure a passing creature through its maze, then devours its prey alive. The morkoth is a cautious monster, so it chooses its victims carefully. Typically, it tries to lure the last in a group of passing creatures into its tunnel, hoping that the others won't notice that one's absence until it is too late. Any creature passing by the entrance to a morkoth's lair may be hypnotized. A hypnotized creature moves unneringly through the maze at its usual speed. Once in center of the lair, the affected creature floats quietly in a trance, waiting to be devoured at the morkoth's leisure. A hypnotized creature is helpless against the morkoth's attacks but it may break out of the hypnosis while the morkoth attacks it. A morkoth can hypnotize any number of creatures at one time. When it is outside its lair, this ability works just as well. Hypnosis is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.

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