A flotsam ooze is a transparent mass of sticky protoplasm that quickly becomes encrusted with bits of floating debris and possible treasure. Over the course of several days, it slowly digests any organic matter stuck to it. A flotsam ooze floats unseen at the center of its mass of debris and strikes with sudden ease.
A flotsam ooze exudes a sticky slime that holds fast any creature or item touching it. It automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the ooze is alive. The ooze makes one additional slam attack each round against each creature stuck to it. A weapon that strikes a flotsam ooze sticks fast. Strength is needed to pry it off. The adhesive can be weakened by soap or lye, but even in such a case the ooze can still perform grapple checks. The substance breaks down half a minute after the ooze dies.
A flotsam ooze is transparent in water, and it gains the benefits of concealment when it is in water. It is amphibious.
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